Saturday, May 25, 2024

I Am Ready

                                                                                             By  RGBW46

  I am ready for battle, I am ready

       I won't rattle, I am ready, I am ready

  I am ready for my life

       I am ready for life's battles, I am ready

  I know my God will battle for me

       He created this world, I know He will handle anything that be

  Are you ready? are you ready? are you ready?  

       School is a battle, love is a battle, life is a battle

  Only with God can you win the battles

       Family is a battle, friendship is a battle, education is a battle

  I am ready for battle, I am ready

       I won't rattle, I am ready, I am ready 

  Ready or not the battles of life are coming

       This whole life is full of struggling

  Being a good person is a good thing

       Yet life will still make you battle, be ready, be ready

  Every day is a battle of one kind or another

       Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready

  I am ready for battle, I am ready

       I won't rattle, I am ready, I am ready