Monday, October 13, 2008

That One!!!!!

I am proud to see “That One” go to the White House!

That One!!!!!

McCain called him 'that one', did he mean that one black',
Well, 'that one' will be the President and THAT is just a fact.
For years we have been 'that one' - that one to work and slave-
That one to build a nation, to work from birth to the grave.

That one made the inventions, that we must use each day,
That one sang the slave songs, that one kneeled down to pray.
That one was put on auction blocks, stripped of dignity and clothes,
That one lost his identity had suffered the greatest woes.

McCain must remember that 'THAT ONE' has always been last,
And this thing is coming to an end, and time is passing fast.
'THAT ONE' will live in the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue-
Standing as a great statesman, doing what President do.

McCain couldn't remember the name Barack? Bet he remembers his face
'That One'- so tall and brave- 'That One' of the ebon race!
There's no need to take it back, it's been said, just ask Imus,
Guess we'll go on being 'That One', so cut out all your fuss!

Take it and shake it, we have over come, and you can't put us down,
Before we'll just be 'That One', we'll be buried in the ground!

Charles K. Chiplin,
Mississippi author and poet, Professor of English JSU

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