Wednesday, November 23, 2011



by Marileeza

When God gives you a friend
You shall be friends to the end.
When God in His Wisdom connects any two lives
We must consider it a blessing – if we’re truly wise.
And we need to do anything we can possibly conceive
To make each other’s life flourish and remain at ease.

Everybody deserves a friendship that’s true.
And Pat, that’s what I’ve always seen in you.
You are patient, helpful, loving, and good --
Always doing the things that a good friend should.
You are not only kind to me but also with others
You have often helped me take care of my mother.
You’ve also tried to be helpful to parents of other friends
And you’ve also been their friend to the end.

Although you have not always had it easy in life,
You’ve done the best that you could in joys or in strife.
You’ve taught your children to be helpful and polite
And they represent your goodness to everyone’s delight.

You decided long ago to serve the Lord,
And you sang in choirs and ushered at church doors.
You volunteered to help out other ways that you could.
You greet everyone you meet lovingly, as we all should.

I have many fond memories of us two or more in my head --
Many were good -- and as life goes – naturally, some sad.
Growing up you were at church and my home so often
Dad called you the best church member he ever had.
You’ve always been part of the family we grew to love,
So we’re thankful God put us all together from above.
Wherever God places us we must let our little light shine
That’s why you’ll always be a friend of mine.
So when God gives us a friend
We shall be friends to the end.

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